
hictkpy provides Python bindings for hictk through pybind11.

hictk.File() can open .cool and .hic files and allows retrieval of interactions as well as file metadata.

The example use file 4DNFIOTPSS3L.hic, which can be downloaded from here.

Opening files#

In [1]: import hictkpy as htk

# .mcool and .cool files work as well
In [2]: f = htk.File("4DNFIOTPSS3L.hic", 10_000)

In [3]: f.path()
Out[3]: '4DNFIOTPSS3L.hic'

Reading file metadata#

In [4]: f.bin_size()
Out[4]: 10000

In [5]: f.chromosomes()
{'2L': 23513712,
 '2R': 25286936,
 '3L': 28110227,
 '3R': 32079331,
 '4': 1348131,
 'X': 23542271,
 'Y': 3667352}

In [6]: f.attributes()
{'bin_size': 10000,
 'format': 'HIC',
 'format_version': 8,
 'assembly': '/var/lib/cwl/stgb25a903a-ebb6-4a56-bf3f-90bd84a40bf4/4DNFIBEEN92C.chrom.sizes',
 'format-url': 'https://github.com/aidenlab/hic-format',
 'nbins': 13758,
 'nchroms': 8}

Fetch interactions#

Interactions can be fetched by calling the hictkpy.File.fetch() method on hictkpy.File() objects.

hictkpy.File.fetch() returns hictkpy.PixelSelector() objects, which are very cheap to create.

# Fetch all interactions (genome-wide query) in COO format (row, column, count)
In [7]: sel = f.fetch()

# Fetch all interactions (genome-wide query) in bedgraph2 format
In [8]: sel = f.fetch(join=True)

# Fetch KR-normalized interactions
In [9]: sel = f.fetch(normalization="KR")

# Fetch interactions for a region of interest
In [9]: sel = f.fetch("2L:10,000,000-20,000,000")

In [10]: sel = f.fetch("2L:10,000,000-20,000,000", "X")

In [11]: sel.nnz()
Out[11]: 2247057

In [12]: sel.sum()
Out[12]: 7163361

Fetching interactions as pandas DataFrames#

In [13]: sel = f.fetch("2L:10,000,000-20,000,000", join=True)

In [14]: sel.to_df()
       chrom1    start1      end1 chrom2    start2      end2  count
0          2L  10000000  10010000     2L  10000000  10010000   6759
1          2L  10000000  10010000     2L  10010000  10020000   3241
2          2L  10000000  10010000     2L  10020000  10030000    760
3          2L  10000000  10010000     2L  10030000  10040000    454
4          2L  10000000  10010000     2L  10040000  10050000    289
...       ...       ...       ...    ...       ...       ...    ...
339036     2L  19970000  19980000     2L  19980000  19990000    407
339037     2L  19970000  19980000     2L  19990000  20000000    221
339038     2L  19980000  19990000     2L  19980000  19990000    391
339039     2L  19980000  19990000     2L  19990000  20000000    252
339040     2L  19990000  20000000     2L  19990000  20000000    266

[339041 rows x 7 columns]

Fetching interactions as scipy.sparse.coo_matrix#

In [15]: sel = f.fetch("2L:10,000,000-20,000,000", join=True)

In [16]: sel.to_coo()
<1000x1000 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.int32'>'
        with 339041 stored elements in COOrdinate format>

Fetching interactions as numpy NDarray#

In [17]: sel = f.fetch("2L:10,000,000-20,000,000", join=True)

In [18]: m = sel.to_numpy()

In [19]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [20]: from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm

In [21]: plt.imshow(m, norm=LogNorm())

In [22]: plt.show()